Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekends in Joburg

If caps lock is the typing equvilant of is whispering displayed?

really small font?

So Kenneth, what did you get up to over the weekend?"



I watched the Telkom PGA golf championship at the country club Johannebsurg.

Does Joburg like, totally rock or is it just me?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

le Big Mac

Anyone who has studied economics at tertiary level will be familiar with the big mac index, a pretty cool way to explain Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) between currencies as in "what does a dollar buy in New York compared to Cape Town?"

Delving a little deeper Wikipedia also tells us that it "...provides a test of the extent to which
market exchange rates result in goods costing the same in different countries."

Driving to work this morning I heard an advert on the radio announcing the fact in the latest (February 4th) index South Africa is listed as selling one of the cheapest big macs in the world and its, therefore, value for money to purchase one.

Yes, it is value for money....IN DOLLAR TERMS!!!

We earn Rands in this here R of SA so please feel free to go ahead and celebrate your local
currency's weakness by taking a big bite out of little mac.


If you reading this blog in say, Sweet Home Alabama, feel free to hop onto a plane and come a big mac feeding y'all!


If you're Kim Kardashian then you can afford a big mac in any currency or country

OR it just me?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Since when did rap become the coriander of the Grammy awards?

I witnessed PVR in action for the first time this weekend and realised that it is indeed a double edged sword in terms of recording crap you could have just as easily missed altogether instead of digitally "taping" it for future torture.

So there we are watching a recording of this years 3 hour long award ceremony and I am longing to scream out, "please stop forwarding the adverts they are the only pieces of music in this horrid affair that haven't been rapped to death!!!!"

Since when did every song on the planet need an overlay of a dude talking into a mic at 1200 words per minute with the odd "yea...yea" sprinkled in for overkill seasoning"??

Which (naturally) brings me to coriander, a nice tasty herb, but use it on everything and it ruins the original meal...or is it just me again?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things i've noticed at the gym....

1. Is there only one type of tattoo design out there?

2. Guy goes to gym, gets big muscles, tattoos his arms, wears vests all the time. That is the right order.

3. Scrawny guy goes to gym wearing vest, sporting tattoos he hopes to grown into one day, isnt!

4. Or is it just me?